Friday, January 14, 2011

Rocky's Sleeping and Hiding Places

Oh, that Rocky aka The RockStar!
Sleeping on a lap.

Towels in a cupboard.

Hiding in a shopping bag.
The Best!

Sleeping on a pile of stuff.
Such is the life of a cat.
Have a relaxing weekend.


Theresa said...

Lucky Rocky, finding all of those comfortable spots to nap:) and relax, PERFECT! Enjoy your evening my friend! HUGS!

Rachel said...

He certainly does have a good life. What a cutie. xoxo

Terra said...

Rocky looks very contented.

Createology said...

Rocky looks very comfortable and rested. Happy weekend...

koralee said...

He is so adorable...xoxo

Joanna said...

That sleeping is a serious business, you know! Don't you just love the look on his face?!

Thanks for popping by my blog for a 'chat', it was great to see you'd visited.

Have a great weekend.


Marina Capano said...

Hi! How are you?
Here is summer and I'm not posting much.

Rocky is terrific cat. SO CUTE!

have a nice weekend!
regards from hot summer


Claudia said...

That cutie pie, Rocky! My parents' cats love to crawl into the cupboards and sleep on clothes, sheets and towels!


Donna said...

Oh, sweet, sweet Rocky! It's so clear that he is one lucky little kitty!!! Give him some scratches under the chin from me!... Donna

Jeanie said...

Don't you love orange kitties and how they look when they sleep or rest? It think the Gyp has seldom found a comfy spot that he doesn't claim for his own. Just looking at them make me smile! You have one cozy cat!