Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's All About Me

"It's All About Me" and Natasha Burns REALLY challenged me!
After reading all her questions, I realized this party was definitely for me.
One of her questions really hit home for me~
"Are you happy to bend over backwards to spoil someone else,
but don't spoil yorself?"
I immediately knew what I wanted to make for myself.
For a while now, I have wanted
a fancy~elegant~showy~fun purse and scarf
to wear to the San Francisco Symphony and Opera.
So~now I have them! Yipee for me!
The outside fabric is embroidery chiffon,
and the lining and shoulder strap are silk.
The embossed button was a great find at a craft shop.
No pattern used~all from my little old brain and
creative thoughts.
I like the way the matching scarf turned out.
I know I will feel "very over the top" wearing my
new purse and scarf.
Thanks to Natasha.
I love your new painting over your fireplace!
Very lovely design and colors.
Hugs, Dogwood


Suz said...

Very very elegant! I like that you made must have been in the zone.
Women should always look their best,even to the store

Natasha Burns said...

Fabulous! So gorgeous and elegant, you'll turn heads at the Opera! Thanks so much for joining in! I'm so glad you did!

Lori said...

those are gorgeous!!! the fabric you used is so pretty and elegant!!!

Unknown said...

Oh mygoodness, I LOVE these!! The fabric is beautiful, you did such a good job! This will be just perfect for the opera!! Isnt this party fun?

Rachel said...

Beautiful! You did such a fabulous job on both the purse and the matching scarf. Love them! And that fabric... wow!

I took out some velveteen to make one of those scarves (from your tutorial), but of course I haven't done it yet. The fabric I have is the perfect width and length so I don't even have to cut it. I'll post a pic when (if) I get it done!

Stacy said...

It's beautiful, Cory! I love that fabric. The scarf and purse look so good together and will look fantastic on you.

I got mixed up and thought that we were supposed to reveal our projects on Saturday. Natasha was kind enough to tell me not to stress and just do it then.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Yes, you are woman that knows how to treat herself properly! :0) They are beautiful.

Do drop by my place when you have a moment to see what I created....


Theresa said...

You go girl! Gorgeous purse and scarf, elegant enough to be in a fancy boutique!!! Have a blessed day and congrats on you beautiful creation.

Pearl Maple said...

Well done! Every girl deserves special things to wear, your choice of fabric is wonderful

Unknown said...

You will look stunning in this for the opera. I love how you created the purse to match the detail on the scarf. Stunning.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! I envy you girls who can sew! Have fun at the opera! ♥

Mandy Saile said...

Oh what a lovely set....your one talented lady:D The purse espeacially is something I think I'd just have to have if I saw it in a store...or atleast would really really want and drool over if I couldn't have it:D...Be Well Dogwood:D Be Well...

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

BEAUTIFUL! You'll look stunning in it! said...

Gorgeous! Love the fabric, and no pattern? Clever! - Rachael:)

LiLi M. said...

Nice to meet you, great purse and matching scarf! Lucky you!

Anonymous said...

You should be so proud of your creation... it's just Lovely! I admire that you did not use a pattern... so clever! Love the name of your blog... Pink Dogwood Blossoms are so beautiful, and so is your blog... I'm adding you to my favorites list, and also signing up to Follow you... hope you don't mind! Thanks so much for sharing...
Hope you're enjoying the
swap as much as I am!
~ blessings ~
please stop by for
a visit, and enter to
win one of my give~aways!

SweetScarlett said...

So posh as is said over here!
Great work and very chic!

Connie said...

Ohmygosh, that's gorgeous, honey! Very elegant.

Debra said...

thats not over the top....its downright lovely....well done...feel proud wearing/using these...nice work:)

GerryART said...

Posh, very, very POSH ! ! ! !
You really know IT'S ALL ABOUT ME ! ! ! And your bag and scarf show it.
Isn't Natasha the greatest for throwing this party?
I've joined your FOLLOWERS

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

Absolutely fabulous! I'll have to make this for one of my always make me smile.

Jeanne said...

What a lovely bag you made and the fabric is so elegant. Love it!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

What a beautiful scarf and purse.I love the fabric you used.Fantastic, XXOO Marie Antionette

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

Your new purse and scarf are just beautiful. Chiffon. Just saying that word makes me think "feminine". Love the color choice. It is just exquisite!


Hello Matilda! said...

Very nice!!!


Betty said...

Oh! That bag and scarf are gorgeous. I made a brown scarf with that same type of fabric for my daughter's wedding. It is so much prettier than store bought!

Rose Brier Studio said...

What a lovely bag and scarf. Just right for the Opera and a trip into the city. Thanks for visiting.

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Oh my gosh, that is so pretty! I love that the scarf and purse match! This farm girl is swooning over it!

Monica said...

So pretty and elegant! Love this type of matching details! Enjoy wearing your treasures!

SharDon Exclusives said...

I am lovin' the colors and the embroidery work! It must be absolutely gorgeous when you wear it in the sun. Natasha was so clever to create this giveaway challenge just for us! I would never have met you. Thank you for the kind words on my post. I enjoyed making the Christmas Journal so much that I am now making one for my sis.
Blessings to you as you wear this lovely creation you made,

Bettyann said...

oh I love the gorgeous purse..thanking for visiting my blog...Natahsa's party is so much fun !!!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

I love your beautiful purse & scarf.The fabric is really gorgeous.Thanks for stopping by.;~)
~Myrna Lee

Unknown said...

Cory, what a beautiful scarf and purse set! I love the colors, very beautiful and chic! You won't look over the top (unless that's what you really want! LOL!), you'll look elegant and sophisticated!

Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comments!


The French Bear said...

Gorgeous!!! What scrumptious silk fabric!!!
Lovely job!!!
Margaret B

Anya said...

Really chique (@^.^@)

Unknown said...

WOW I love how elegant the purse and scarf turned out! You will look fabulous at the Opera!

Thanks for visiting my blog with such sweet comments :)

Aandy xox

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Oh my, you are so talented! I admire you for making these. You are going to look so nice. Have a nice day! Twyla

Woollywotnots said...

So gorgeous. The fabric is beautiful.