Thursday, September 30, 2010

Who Has Been Chewing on the Leaves?

Hum-hum...who has been chewing the leaves on my beautiful fake ficus tree?
I wonder. I wonder!

Could it possibily be our little furry friend?

"Certainly not me. He-he" says our sweet little Rocky.

What do you think??

Hope you remember to eat your "greens" each day.



Theresa said...

Oh surely it wasn't that cutiepie Rocky:) Sweetest kitty picture! Have a blessed evening! HUGS!

Stacy said...

So cute. It sure does look like he has been nibbling. Apollo likes to chew on plastic bags ... I wonder what it is about plastic that they like so much?

Createology said...

Rocky is doing his "Kilroy" impersonation. LOL
I did eat my greens today as I just finished a yummy salad for my dinner. Happy creating...

BadPenny said...

I'm trying to read the expression in his eyes ! Yes Miss I had my greens !

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Oh that sweetie! Hope it was not because of some tummy pain.
Have a happy weekend xxx

Teresa said...

I am sure it was not Rocky! There is no way he would do that.... really ;)